Action Seals | Services - Technical Support, Direct Delivery, Design
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Technical Support

Our experienced and dedicated technical support team are happy to help with all enquires and problems. Don’t be afraid to ask!


Technical drawings can be provided upon request for all items, together with material data sheets and help and advice regarding operating environment.

Direct Delivery

We are happy to send orders direct to your customers.


We realise the additional responsibility that offering this services brings as it is your company’s reputation on the line.


All goods are sent in plain packaging with no trace of Action Seals and can be accompanied with your delivery note if required.


Call-off Ordering

Action Seals offer a variety of stock management solutions to suit your individual needs and requirements.


Benefits to such ordering include reduced storage costs and improved cash flow.


Please contact a member of our sales team on 0151 652 6661 or via email for more information on a tailor made solution to suit your individual needs and requirements.


Together with our manufacturing partners we are happy to help design a solution to meet your requirements.


Should the size you require not exist we are happy to arrange tooling and production. You want it, we get it!
